Invoices communication

Following the previous information, we alert again to the new deadlines and invoicing obligations.

Invoices communication:

The invoices communication on the E-fatura website must be done until the 5th of the month after the invoice’s date. However, for the present year of 2023, the submission will be allowed until the 8th, without any penalty.

No invoices communication:

We also warn that all companies with activity must now monthly communicate that they didn’t issue any invoice during. This is also done in the E-fatura website.

These rules are also applied to individual entrepreneurs who issued invoices, excluding the ones that have issued Green Receipts (Recibos Verdes).

How to communicate the inexistence of invoices:

  1. Go to E-fatura;
  2. Click in: “Faturas – Emitente”;
  3. Enter the “NIF” and “senha de acesso”;
  4. In: “Comunicação mensal por inexistência de faturação”;
  5. Select the “mês da declaração”;
  6. Press: “Ok”;
  7. Select “Declaro que não emiti, no mês indicado, documentos cuja obrigação de comunicação à AT esteja prevista no Decreto- -Lei n.º 198/2012, de 24 de agosto.”;
  8. Press: “Submeter” to conclude the process.



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Invoices communication

Following the previous information, we alert again to the new deadlines and invoicing obligations. Invoices communication: The invoices communication on the E-fatura website must be

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Na sequência da anterior informação por nós divulgada, alertamos novamente para os novos prazos e obrigações relacionadas com a faturação. Comunicação da faturação: A comunicação

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